More on Change Up Trouble

My daughter still leans forward while throwing the flip. She also uses her arm too much, instead of her wrist, I believe. Any advice on how to stop this? Thanks!

This question comes from Liz, and I think a lot of people are affected by these issues. Read on for the answers!

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Reader Question: Is a “Backdoor Screwball” Possible?

My daughter is a sophomore and her coach is wanting her to throw a screw ball to a left handed batter that looks as if it is going to hit the her and then screws over the plate. The mechanics of the screwball does not allow this with out going way out of the throwing lanes. I tries to explain it to him but he insist that he watches college ball all the time and there is a such pitch. Am I wrong and if so how do I teach her to throw this pitch?

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Body Posture During Drops and Riseballs

I see a lot of extreme examples of changed body posture among windmill pitchers throwing drops and riseballs. It’s commonly taught to lean forward while throwing a drop and lean back while throwing a rise, but many of the pitchers who I see struggling with those pitches are leaning too much or in the wrong direction.

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Hand Action Series: Part 1

Today I begin a 5-part series of posts that focus on the importance of the wrist, hand and fingers in the delivery of the pitch. If you are looking for speed, “bite,” and command in your fastball and movement pitches take a look here and stay tuned for future posts on this topic.

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